More Useful Commands

Shows connected status to peers over wireguard VPN: sudo wg show

To bring down and up wireguard: wg-quick down wg0 && wg-quick up wg0

Shows IPFS peers. If empty, no one is connected: ipfs swarm peers

Logfiles are in:




ipfs log tail

Typical Storage Node migration

Save old .env

Stop node:

cd ~/dstor-storage-node/ pm2 stop ecosystem.config.js ###Install dependencies git pull npm install

Update your .env file

Use .env.example as an example. Variables NODE_PEER_ALLOWED_IPS, NODE_PEER_LISTEN_PORT, NODE_PEER_PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE, NODE_PEER_PRIVATE_KEY might stay empty for default behaviour.

Restart node

pm2 restart ecosystem.config.js --update-env Update nginx config for node if any changes

IPFS swarm

  1. After node is automatically set up, check for swarm peers

  2. If you see a message, saying something about your node not being online and you don't see an api (no extension at all) file inside your IPFS folder (/ipfs/ probably), make sure you've added IPFS_PATH env variable to .bashrc and .profile and reboot your server.

ipfs swarm peers

Last updated