Create Directory & Install dStor

Create your IPFS Directory Manually

Best practice dictates that this directory should be on a file system that is separate from your OS. For example:

mkdir /ipfs mount /dev/[device array] /ipfs chown -R username

Install dstor-storage-node

Clone the git repo in your choice dStor directory, for example: /home/dstor

git clone cd dstor-storage-node and to your needs. Fill out the IPFS directory, and read the comments.

source ./

Edit server_name ";" inside storagenode.nginx AND inside to your node name. This will set up port openings, nginx config, certbot, ipfs and wireguard. Then Run:


Use .env.example file to create your own .env file. If you have questions about the .env values, you can always ask our support team for help.

cp .env.example .env

To Start the node server: run pm2 restart ecosystem.config.js from dstor-storage-node folder

To see logs use pm2 logs

To restart the node server: run pm2 restart ecosystem.config.js --update-env from dstor-storage-node folder

Last updated